Current Issue : October-December Volume : 2017 Issue Number : 4 Articles : 3 Articles
Community health nurse priority must be addressed in an environment of constrained resources. Florence nightingale demonstrated to the world the important role of nurses on the front lines of war-related disaster. No single discipline, agency, organization or jurisdiction can or should claim sole responsibility for the complex array of challenges associated with the disaster, whether caused by nature, humans, or some combination of both. Community health nurse play an integral role in meeting the national preparedness goal, a part of the national preparedness system: “A secure and resilient nation with the capabilities required across the whole community to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk (FEMA, 2013).” Nursing and specifically, Community Health Nursing practice must remain a constant across the national planning framework and its disaster cycle of preparedness (prevention, protection and mitigation), response and recovery. The recognition of Community Health Nurse population-based skills in times of disaster is an extremely important part of our national capacity for response. Community health nurse should not be simply viewed as acute care (i.e., hospital) replacements or first responder extenders (e.g., triage personnel) in a mass casualty environment. This is not to say that community health nurse cannot do these functions if educated. Indeed, all health professionals may be called upon to expand in non-routine practice areas during a catastrophic response. Above all, though, in disaster preparedness, response and recovery, community health nurse are better used for services they do best, namely population based practice like rapid needs assessments of communities impacted by the incident, population-based triage, mass dispensing of preventive or curative therapies, community education, providing care or managing shelters for displaced populations and of course, provision of ongoing continuity in essential public health services....
Nurse educators are the key resources in the preparation of a nursing workforce which is able to provide quality care. Clinical learning and competency development are essential parts of the nursing curriculum. Clinical experience allows student’s nurse to improve their skills. With a view of this, present study was conducted to assess the perception towards clinical instructor among nursing students of Saraswati Nursing Institute Dhianpura (Kurali). The aim of the study was to explore roles and responsibilities of clinical instructor. Tool was developed in the form of 3 point (positive, neutral, negative) likert scales was prepared to assess perception of students. Non probability convenience sampling was used to recruit 100 study subjects. Content validity of the study tool was determined with the help of various experts in the related field. Reliability was checked by using Karl Parson coefficient of correlation which was found out to be 0.8. Pilot study was conducted on 10 samples which were excluded from the main study and feasibility of study was determined, where the study was found to be feasible. Informed consent was obtained from the study subjects and data were collected in the month of April 2017.Findings of the study revealed that the majority of study subjects (93%) were having positive perception towards roles and responsibilities of clinical instructors. There was no significant association between the perceptions of study subjects with the various selected socio demographic variables....
Publication of results is an integral and essential component of research. This article encourages all researchers to promote their work through publishing and other forms of dissemination. In publication as in all other aspects of research, researchers are expected to follow the principles of good research conduct. It is essential that the parties involved in research and publication discuss and agree on authorship, recognition of other contributions, acknowledgement of sponsors, declaration of any conflicts of interest, generally, an author is considered to be someone who has made substantive intellectual contributions to a published study. This includes anyone who made a substantial contribution to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data for the work, drafted or substantively reviewed or revised the publication, approved the final version of the publication and agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work could be appropriately investigated and resolved. The widely accepted guidelines set a high standard. However there is great variation in practice among different disciplines and research fields, so no universal set of standards exists. This places most of the responsibility for decisions about authorship on the researchers who conducted the research reported in the publication. These decisions are best made early in each project to avoid misunderstanding and later disputes....